Student Volunteering Week

Did you know that over 2500 Imperial students take part in volunteering activities each year?  

Monday 11th February sees the start of a week celebrating Imperial’s AMAZING volunteers with a whole host of activities to inspire others – Student Volunteering Week is almost upon us!  

Imperial students and Imperial Hub have been hard at work developing an entire week of volunteering activities. Take part in three activities and there will be discounts aplenty coming your way! Absolutely anyone can sign up in advance for events and activities here.  

At Imperial we’ll be focusing on celebrating the impact of our volunteers and providing easy ways for you to get involved in volunteering.  

Students from Imperial, LSE and UCL will be launching a collaborative campaign ‘Talk to Me London’ that aims to build positive relationships between students and other residents of London. You’ll see volunteers handing out ‘Talk to Me London’ badges during the week on campus. Let them be your warm up to starting a conversation with a stranger and they’ll be able to tell you more about the volunteering opportunities on offer at Imperial. Before long you’ll see fellow ‘Talk to Me London’ badge wearers on the tube and those boring journeys pretending to read the overhead adverts will be a thing of the past… 

Friday 15th February will see the launch of Step Change, Imperial’s programme to cut energy waste around college. Learn a new skill, make new friends and help College reduce its carbon footprint. The project kicks off in SAF room 120 at 1pm.  

But that’s not all… amongst other activities you can join students helping the elderly get creative making valentine’s day cards, take part in the Good Deeds Flashmob or limber up for a pancake race in aid of UNICEF.  

Share with us your volunteering photos and experiences on Facebook by tagging @Student Volunteering Week at Imperial or @Imperial Hub 

Whatever your interests, they’ll be a volunteering activity for you!


For more information on Imperial Hub activities, sign up for The Week and find out more about their current volunteering programme Schools Plus.



Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
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