National Student Survey 2017

Every year the National Student Survey (NSS) gives final year undergraduates the opportunity to share your views on your experience here at Imperial.

By taking part in the survey, you play a key role in helping the College to identify where we can improve – your feedback helps to inform key education-focused developments at the College. Once the results of the survey are released later in the year, each department creates an action plan aimed at enhancing areas such as teaching and student support, as part of the College’s strategic commitment to enriching the student experience.

Imperial College Union also uses your feedback to produce their annual Response to the NSS, which helps set priorities in their work with the College for the benefit of students. Our Responses put forward a series of recommendations for College to consider adopting in the interest of improving the educational experience for students. Compiling this document has historically allowed the Deputy President (Education) to reflect upon which areas of education can be improved across Imperial College, facilitating important conversations with both Academic Reps and with College staff The NSS therefore enables the Union to critically feed into departmental and College-level action plans which look to address the feedback provided by final year students via the survey. You can find previous responses here on our website, and read about the impact of our response to last year’s survey.

Take the survey

The survey only takes 10 minutes to fill out, and the feedback is vital to improving the academic experience at Imperial better. Click here to take the survey. You can also find more information about the survey on the College's website.


Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84