Student Experience Survey – Amazon vouchers to be won

Are you a non-final year undergraduate or Master’s student?

The Union and College want to hear about your experience of Imperial - outside of lecture theatres and laboratories, and this is your chance to tell us.

The Student Experience Survey covers various areas relating to your life at Imperial and the services and opportunities provided by the Union and the College.

Participating in the survey will only take around 10-15 minutes and is your opportunity to make a difference to the rest of your time at Imperial and that of those that will come after you. All responses are anonymous, no personal identifying information is kept with your response.                             

Once you have completed the survey you will have the option to enter a prize draw to win one of the following prizes:

  • 4 x £50 Amazon vouchers
  • 10 x £30 Amazon vouchers
  • 2 x £20 Union Shop vouchers
  • 6 x £10 Union Shop vouchers

Click here to take the survey or visit the webpage for more information:

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Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84