Club, Society & Project Sponsorship Event

All club, society and project officers are invited to an exclusive sponsorship event!

Date: Wednesday 22 June

Time: 17:30 to ~19:30 

Location: Metric, Union Building, Beit Quad

There are only 50 places available, so sign-up quickly to avoid disappointment! 
[UPDATE: All places have now been filled]. 


We know that most club and societies are always looking for sponsorship to help them provide the best possible activities for their members. This is why we feel it is so important to ensure club officers have better training opportunities and support to help them get sponsorship. 

If you are a club/society officer who would be interested in attending an exclusive sponsorship event, where you will be able to learn about sponsorship processes and gain tips and advice, then this event is for you! The evening aims to empower you to find sponsorship, ensure that getting sponsorship is sustainable from year to year and to give your club the skills to market itself. 

Our speakers will be advising you on ways to market your club/society, the best ways of going about getting sponsorship, how to contact companies, and how you should/should not go after company money for club/society sponsorship.

Event Schedule

17:30 - Start and short intro by Lucinda Sandon-Allum, President of ICU

17:35 - External speakers to present:

  • Ivy Choi, Imperial College Recruitment Team Leader, Procter & Gamble UK
  • Kurstin Finch Gnehm, Regular Giving Manager, Advancement Division at Imperial College London 
  • Nic Prettejohn and Tomas Virgl, President and Industrial Liaison respectively, Computing Society (DocSoc), Imperial College Union

18:15 - Q&A between speakers and audience members. Nas Andriopoulos (Vice President Activities, RCSU), will also be joining the panel for the Q&A.  

18:30/45 - Networking and mingle. Food and drinks will be provided. During this time, club officers will be able to collect Sponsorship Guidance Packs, produced by the Union. These packs contain useful information, template letters, tips and advice. 



Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84