Great work done by Imperial volunteers during SVW2016

We had a fantastic time during Student Volunteering Week with over 100 students volunteering in a variety of events! A huge thank you to all our volunteers and all the different events they were involved in from talks about Dementia, to ward visits, to working in a food bank to helping with isolation in the elderly. We even got a special mention from Royal Trinity Hospice Charity Shops, so make sure you read what our students were up to with them. Also check out some of the other amazing activities they volunteers got up to:


The Dinner Club

We had the very talented Imperial College Gospel Choir and A Cappella group Take Note join us at the Dinner Club, singing to us while volunteers had a dinner with local people in the community who may be homeless or lonely. The volunteers were also put to work breaking down those barriers chatting and also helping in the kitchen, serving dinner and cleaning up!



Inspiring Students into STEM

We had a great group of students talking to 6th Formers from Hull all about their experiences at Imperial. What it’s like living in London and moving away from home and helping them with subject choices. We also had a lovely presentation from Joel who shared his love of Physics and getting involved at Imperial.


Helping out in the great outdoors

We also had students head to Gutteridge Woods where they got stuck in as soon as they got there. Cleaning the area, helping with thorns and weeds that were taking over and helping create an area that would promote biodiversity. They even had a great bonfire afterwards, a great way to warm up in chilly February!



Keep checking out the Union’s Volunteering pages if you want to get involved!

Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84