Should students care about the EU?

For the first time in 40 years, we will choose whether or not to remain in the European Union. Following the referendum announcement by the Prime Minister, the deciding date is set for the 23 June 2016.

 There are nearly two and a half million students in the UK who could play a decisive role in this referendum debate.

To explore these crucial issues for students Universities UK is hosting a major national event, a Question Time style debate on Tuesday 8th March in partnership with the National Union of Students titled ‘Should students care about the EU?’ The event, which will feature speakers from both sides of the debate, will take place in at The Church House, Westminster, London from 19:45-21:00.

Panelists confirmed include:
Megan Dunn, President, NUS; board member, Britain Stronger In Europe
Thomas Collins, UKIP Students Officer
Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP; board member, Britain Stronger In Europe
Owen Paterson, Conservative MP; former Cabinet Minister (2010-2014), Vote Leave Parliamentary Planning Committee

The event will be chaired by Javier Espinoza, Education Editor, Daily Telegraph.

It's free to attend, but booking is necessary. Book now to confirm your place

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