Imperial College Union and Sport Imperial are working together to deliver a different sort of Varsity. We asked for your help to decide the sport for the headline match after receiving great applications from Men’s Football and Men’s Rugby.
Varsity will be held at Heston, Imperial’s newest sports ground. The headline match is played at the end of the day and is billed as the biggest game of the whole event. It’s set to be a great ending to a fun filled day.
1,758 of you took our poll in just nine days, so a massive thank you to everyone who voted! With 967 of the votes, the winner is…
Men’s Football
Congratulations to them! We look forward to seeing them play at Varsity next year. Men’s Rugby will also feature on the day, and we look forward to seeing them compete too.
Look out for more information in the new year on about Varsity 2016!