Mayor of London's Low Carbon Entrepreneur 2016

The Low Carbon Entrepreneur is a competition run by the Mayor of London and sponsored by Citi Foundation to find fresh new ideas to cut carbon emissions and give students employability skills. They are looking for your orginal and practical, bright ideas to reduce London's carbon emissions. 

Imperial students have won it in both 2014 and 2015 with James Winfield and Dominic Jacobson in 2014 with their Crowd Power Plant, an alternative way of buying and funding renewable energy.  Then in 2015 with Caroline Wood and Vivien Tang's Clotho London, as a way to enjoy fashion the sustainable way.  

The winner of the competition will receive £20,000 to develop the idea and bring it ot market. The winner will also receive mentoring and support from City Hall. This is an amazing opportunity to become your own boss and see your idea become a reality.

For more information and to find out how to apply, click here.



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