Seven things you might not have known about volunteering at Imperial

Ahead of our Volunteer Fair on Tuesday 13 October in the Great Hall, did you know:

The Union has its very own Volunteering Service, Community Connections

Whatever your interests, timetable, motivations or the amount of free time you have, there is a volunteer role to suit everyone. 

Community Connections is the Unions volunteer service exclusively for our members where there are over 100 charities and community organizations looking for Imperial students to volunteer with them.


78% students said that they volunteer because they want to improve things or help people

We're a kind bunch aren't we! Volunteering is a great way to give something back to the community you live and study in. 


You don’t need to an abundance of free time to volunteer. 

The Union run regular 'Mass Volunteering' opportunities where no commitment is required, other than the few hours the activity takes place. Meet students from other departments and halls and take part in one of these fun and rewarding 'Mass Volunteering' activities with a local charity. What’s more, charities and community organisations


You have expertise, experience and enthusiasm to be a volunteer! 

Having been accepted into one of the leading universities in the world, it's clear that we already think you're great! 

Why not share the skills and knowledge you already have and will develop further during your time here with a local charity or community organization? Add to this your abundance of enthusiasm as a new Imperial student and you are sure to be a first class volunteer! 


Volunteering is good for your health

There's good evidence that volunteering brings benefits to both the person volunteering and the people and organisations they support.


You can set up your own volunteering project 

If there's a particular issue you are passionate about that you would like to take action on, the chances are you won’t be the only student at Imperial to feel this way!

Contact the Student Development team ( who will be able to support you in getting your new volunteer project off the ground, help you to recruit volunteers, identify funding opportunities and facilitate introductions with one of the 100+ charities who we partner with through Community Connections who may be able to help. 


We will give you the recognition you deserve for your volunteering efforts! 

Imperial Plus is the Union’s student development programme that recognises volunteering efforts, helping students to identify and articulate the skills and experiences gained through volunteering that graduate recruiters’ value.

Gain the Volunteer Certificate in acknowledgement of the hours you volunteer - certificates are awarded for every 25 hours up to 100 hours, and every 50 hours between 100-500 hours. The Volunteer Accreditation goes one step further and recognises the skills you have developed alongside your volunteering hours

Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84