We need your input on College's new Hall of Residence

As the College approaches the final design stages of the One Victoria Road project, we’d like your views on the how some of the communal space is likely to be used by student residents as well as on the look and feel of these spaces. The last student consultation on this project took place in May 2013 when a student design workshop was held and the following questions builds on this feedback.

Slides from a presentation to students held on Wednesday 4 June are available to view here which include a project update, details of the spaces and the input we’d like on the communal spaces.  

This short survey will take you through the spaces we would like your input on and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

The survey will be open until Wednesday 18 June. Your views will be shared with the project team at Berkeley First (the developers and architects), who will aim to incorporate as many of these suggestions into the final designs as possible. 

Take the survey now


Campus Services are using the Union's new consultation framework as the basis of gathering student input in the new Hall of Residence.

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