Waste Amnesty - 20 June

Do you have unwanted rubbish or items you need to clear out before the end of the year? 

We have arranged a skip to collect any unwanted items for free at 16:00 on Tuesday 21 June

Please take some time to look through your club storage and remove anything you do not need

Bring all waste items to Activity Spaces 1 & 2 from 08:00 where it will be kept until the skip arrives to collect it.

If you have any specific waste requests (i.e. anything other than general waste such as flammable liquids, electrical equipment etc.) please email activities@imperial.ac.uk before Friday 17 June so we can contact the waste collectors or College in advance. 

As you know space is very limited on campus and it is important that all clubs keep their spaces clean & tidy so please maximise this opportunity to ensure your storage allocation will be kept next year. 


Give us your rubbish! 

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