Voting in Local/EU Elections

Voting opens on Thursday 22 May for local councillors and European Parliament representatives. If you are from the UK, EU or the Commonwealth; are over 18 years old and have been registered, you are eligible to vote in the upcoming elections.

This year, the Union has put together some resources to make voting as a student easier than ever. Click here to find out more information about the upcoming elections, including an interactive map showing who currently represents you in your ward.

Although these elections can seem irrelevant to students or unimportant in the grand scheme of things, local representatives can affect change on issues such as tenant rights and private housing issues, personal safety and cycling facilities - all of which are directly relevant to many students. The European Parliament elections essentially decide the make-up of the body who will direct the future of the EU.

Although it is exam or project season for many of you, please do take the time to visit your nearest polling station on Thursday to make your voice heard.


The elections on Thursday 22 May are to decide local council and European Parliament representatives,

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