The Union's New Dating Platform

Finally launching to all Imperial College students on Monday 27 April 2014, the Union has created a dating platform for all Club, Society & Project members.

eActivities Harmony will use data collected from your Club, Society or Project memberships to "suggest love matches" for students. If two students mutually "eHeart" each other, they are then able to communicate via a private chat function. Other functions are available, including "buy a gift" for a match from the Union Shop and various relevant training manuals.

Every member is automatically enrolled onto the platform but can be easily removed via a tab on their general eActivities account details.

The scheme was initially piloted with a handful of selected CSPs and some successful matches have already been made. Mark, a member of Judo, is one of our successful students:

"Before I was asked to trial eActivities Harmony I was a lonely, sad guy who never had much luck with women. Now my life has changed so much and Ishna from CheeseSoc has brought such a smile to my face. The website has given me all my confidence back! When I met Ishna I just knew she was right for me. We got on great online and eventually met in the JCR. The gorgeous dimples in her cheeks and her wonderful smile have brought the sunshine back into my life. If it wasn’t for eActivities Harmony I would be sat indoors every night eating pizza for one but now, Ishna and I love walking hand-in-hand, feeding the ducks and watching the sunset over Beit Quad. Thank you!"

Madge, from Aeronautics, is another pleased student:

"When eActivities Harmony matched me, an outgoing member of Table Football Soc with a guy from Table Tennis Soc, I was sceptical. However, we lay all of our cards out on the table and realised we had a mutual love of poker. Now we spend all of our time together enjoying table-based activities ;). Thank you, eActivities Harmony!"

The Union wants to ensure that you get the best out of your experience at the College, and we believe that finding someone romantically could be a vital component to your academic success.

Want to see a sneak peek of the page?


eActivites Harmony will be available from the start of the Summer term.

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