Union welcomes Cllr Joe Carlebach

Imperial College Union today welcomed Cllr Joe Carlebach, councillor for the Avonmore & Brook Green ward in Hammersmith & Fulham, home to 514 of our members.

As part of our political engagement programme, our Officer Trustees and staff have been meeting elected representatives from any location with a significant population of Imperial students. Previously, a number of MPs, Assembly Members and local councillors have been given a tour of the Union, learnt about our three-year strategic plan and discussed how local communities and Imperial students can mutually benefit from collaboration and volunteering.

Cllr Carlebach, himself a former student president at the University of Newcastle, is a board member or non-executive director of several charitable organisations, such as the Wormwood Scrubs Charitable Trust and Arthritis Research UK, and a number of local schools. 

Nat & Marissa discussed the possibility of greater student involvement in the above charities - several of which are near our Hammersmith campus - with Cllr Carlebach. As a result of this meeting, we will investigate the following:

  • Including the charities supported by Cllr Carlebach in our Volunteering Opportunities page, part of Community Connections - Imperial College Union's volunteer brokerage service (launched in February 2014) connecting our members to volunteering opportunities in the local community and further afield
  • Expanding the number of schools involved in the various outreach schemes operated by College and the Union




Meeting with Cllr Carlebach and other representatives is part of the Union's continued effort to build connections that will better enable students' voices to be heard

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