Union Survey - open till 20 January 2013!

The Union Survey is your chance to let us know what you think about the many services that we run and provide.

For just five minutes of your time, you could win one of the following prizes:

  • An iPad Mini (WiFi 16GB Black)
  • 2 x £20 Union Shop vouchers
  • 4 x £10 Union Shop vouchers
  • 4 pairs of Summer Ball 2013 tickets! 

Complete the survey now - click here

At the end of last academic year we ran the first ever Union Survey and we have already made positive changes as a result of your feedback. Our 'You said, we did' campaign highlights the changes we have made.

One of the most visible changes we made was in launching this new website! You said that the old site was slow and hard to navigate, so when we were thinking about our new site these were the two most important elements for us.

Other changes include the reintroduction of a wide-range of real ales in the Union bars, an Everyday Value range in the Union Shop and a comprehnsive Rep Finder that helps you find out how represents you in College and the Union.

Don't forget, the Union Survey closes on 20 January 2013!

This really does help us to improve everything we do, so help us keep improving for you. We will be selecting winners at random for the prize draw and announcing them online.


The Union Survey takes place twice a year, it only takes five minutes of your time and is one of the key measurements we have for how well we are doing. If you think there is something that we need to improve let us know by completing this survey. You might event want to take a moment of your day to tell us we are doing well!

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Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Email: union@imperial.ac.uk
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84