Union gives opinion on post-study work visas

This summer, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Migration launched an inquiry into the impacts of the 2012 closure of the Post Study Work (PSW) visa category. 

Today, Imperial College Union submitted its response to the inquiry, which you can read in full here. The opinions we submitted are based upon those of our members, gathered in our earlier Immigration Bill campaigning and via a National Union of Students survey of Imperial students, as well as evidence submitted by College and other higher education bodies.

In our response, we restated our belief that continual change to the student visa system is one of many factors degrading the international student experience in the UK, and that Government policy must include measures to proactively attract international students. In a global context of several nations now competing with the UK for pre-eminence in higher education, negative policy changes such as those made to visas, healthcare access and tenancy legislation are a threat to our national education sector and scientific research base, which fails to respect their importance as drivers of our economy and society.

Read our full submission here.



Imperial College Union responds to Government, Parliament and think tank consultations regarding student issues, amplifying the voice of Imperial students in debates that affect you.

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