SVW – gone but not forgotten!

Three weeks ago, Imperial Hub bought us a week to remember – Student Volunteering Week.

Coordinated by a committee of eleven students, Imperial Hub wanted to raise the profile of volunteering at Imperial, offer new opportunities to encourage students to give it a go and say a massive thank you to existing community volunteers...all of which they succeeded in doing!

250 students volunteered throughout the week that saw Imperial Hub launching three new volunteering initiatives - LinkAges (volunteering with elderly people), Code Club (teaching primary school pupils to code) and the Organ Donor Drive.

Without a doubt, SVW week 2014 will be just as successful bringing you even more opportunities to volunteer. But why wait until then?  

Get involved and put yourself forward to help run one of our many Clubs, Societies and Projects, set up a campaign or check out the latest volunteering opportunities with Imperial Hub. 


Coordinated by a committee of eleven students, Imperial Hub wanted to raise the profile of volunteering at Imperial.

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