Summer Ball 2016 - and the winner is...

The Summer Ball is the huge end-of-term celebration that takes place South Kensington Campus. This year's ball is on Saturday  Last year, we were shaken not stirred by our Bond themed ball. In previous years we’ve been down the rabbit hole with an Alice in Wonderland theme and entered the roaring 20s with a Prohibition theme.

We listened to what you had to say about the ball in our feedback survey last year and picked the six themes for you to vote on for this year. 

And the winner is...

Cabaret/Casino/Vegas won with 25% of the vote!

Summer Ball 2016

Thank you to everyone who took the poll!

The Summer Ball starts at 19:00 and runs till 02:00 on the main campus. Then, the party continues at the Union building at Beit Quad until 06:00, with the official Survivors Photo at 05:00. Alongside this, you get:

  • Four rooms of music and DJs (two at the Ball, two at the Afterparty)
  • Funfair rides
  • Free photobooth
  • Great value food and drink
  • Fireworks over the Queen's Lawn
  • And more!

Early Bird tickets for the ball are on sale now - click here to buy yours!
Tickets for the ball start at £32.50, and Afterparty tickets are just £5.

Ticket prices will rise to £37.50 for the Ball in March, and then to £42.50 in May; Afterparty tickets stay at £5 (while stocks last).



You'll find more information about the ball on our website next year!

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Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84