Student housing in London - is it good enough?

Join thousands of students who are speaking out about student housing in London - complete the survey here.

The University of London Housing Services and the National Union of Students are running a London-wide survey about student housing, and Imperial College Union is asking you to have your say as well.

We want to know what is important to you about accommodation - affordability, size, location, safety, travel, flatmates and more.

The aim is to lobby the Mayor of London to improve standards for students - by building affordability into London's planning laws. 

It only takes a few minutes, and if you finish it, you can enter a prize draw with over £1000 of prizes available. The survey is open until 5pm, Monday 15 December.

The survey is available here. Over 3500 of your fellow students across London have already participated - will you make your voice heard as well?


Student housing can be better - safer, cheaper, more reliable. Help us lobby politicians and councils to make that a reality.

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