Space & Building Maintenance Reporting Consultation

As part of the Operational Excellence Programme the College is looking for feedback and ideas to help improve the processes surrounding the reporting of space and maintenance issues. We want to know if you have ever had any problems, if you have reported them and how you found the experience.

Departments in the College are supported by ICT and Estates Facilities who repair and maintain the fabric of the buildings and much of the non-specialised equipment within it. It is crucial to the success of the College support model that these teams work effectively with Students, Staff an d Departmental teams across the College.

The results of the Consultation will be used to inform the OE Space Programme and Building Maintenance Project. Both aim to reduce the number of times things go wrong and when they do to make the reporting and resolution of problems quicker and easier.


Click here to take part in the survey.

One the methods being used to gather feedback is an  online survey  containing questions about if and how members of the College seek to resolve problems with rooms and equipment. The Survey will be publicised to Students and Staff in areas covered by some of the pilot projects as well as through regular communication channels.

The survey contains only two short pages of questions and does not take more that 5-10 minutes to complete. Feedback from everyone is appreciated and if you would like to be involved further please see below for details.

In person

As part of every Operational Excellence project face-to-face interviews are carried out with major users of each process across the College. Many of these have already been carried out for the Space Programme and Building Maintenance Project however during June and July there will be opportunities for anyone to give face-to-face feedback in some of the Building Maintenance pilot areas.


We would appreciate feedback from anyone as every member of the College uses ICT and AV equipment and depends on the successful operation of the buildings.


If you have any feedback, or would like to get involved, with this consultation or any other Operational Excellence activity please do not hesitate to get in touch with anyone below.

Tim Killip Head of Building MaintenanceBuilding Maintenance Lead
Emma Caseley Head of Strategic ProjectsTeaching, Meeting & Seminar Space Lead
Hannah Edwards Management TraineeSpace Programme Support
Kieron Creagh Programme Support OfficerOperational Excellence Team

Imperial's Operational Excellence (OE) Programme seeks to deliver excellent, more efficient and effective administrative services. The programme aims to reduce duplicated effort and inefficient processes to better support the College’s mission while meeting the needs and expectations of staff and students. For more information, visit

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