Seven Things You Don't Need to Bring to Halls

Cuddly Toy

1. Cuddly Toy

That cuddly toy you’ve had since you were born. It will get kidnapped/ruined/covered in something sticky…



2. Your Pet

Your pet dog/cat/fish/anything. Even if halls did allow pets, you’ll hardly have time to look after yourself let alone another living thing.



3. An Iron

Firstly- halls provide one. Secondly- within a week you’ll have given up caring whether your clothes are crease-free.


rice cooker

4. Unnecessary Kitchen Appliances

Rice cookers, electric heaters, electric kettles, gas/liquid fuel heaters, deep-fat fryers, hookah pipes. These are all banned from your rooms and if caught they will get confiscated and you’ll be left with a big fat fine.



5. Drugs

The College has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to drugs, so if you’re caught you will be in BIG trouble. Like being kicked off your course/sent to a disciplinary type of trouble. Don’t do it!!



6. Candles and Incense

It’s very easy to become distracted in halls, you pop out for a minute and end up chatting for a few hours. Candles are just not worth the risk, and they may set the fire alarm off- making you the least popular person in your hall.



7. Your Parents

Seriously, some people have in the past! This is your chance to have a little freedom, it doesn't mean you aren't still Mummy's Little Soldier or Daddy's Little Princess, just that you are a little more independent.



You can always pick up items for your room once you are in London. High Street Kensington has plenty of shops which will be able to fill those gaps you may have in your inventory!

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