Seven things to try in your first Term at Imperial

The next few weeks are going to be the busiest and most exciting during your time at Imperial, and there are going to be lots of things to do and see. Here we’ve listed some of the things you should try out once you move to the big city!


Get your hall mates together and cook a joint dinner

This is a great way to meet the people you’ll be living in close quarters with for the rest of the year, and also save a bit of money splitting a big dinner in the process.

Definitely give this a shot if you can’t tell one end of a saucepan from the other; you can meet some mates and pick up some cooking tips at the same time.


Grab a cut-price ticket to a West End show

A lot of shows based in central London do deals during the week where you can grab tickets on the day for a fraction of the price.

The Book of Mormon at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Piccadilly Circus, has a daily lottery for the best 20 stall tickets at only £20 a pop, which are drawn on the day.

The popular show Wicked, on at the Apollo Victoria Theatre, releases front row tickets on the day. Just get to the theatre at 10am on the morning of the show to pick up your prime tickets for a fraction of the price of the seats behind.

You can also grab any leftover seats on that day for £29.50 if you have your student card with you.


Get going on a Santander Cycle

You can pick up one of these red cycles from all over the city, with several docking stations right outside the Imperial South Kensington campus.

You don’t need to book, simply visit a docking station with your bankcard and follow the quick and easy instructions on the station touch screen.

It costs just £2 to rent a bike for half an hour. When you are done with the bike, you can return it to any other docking station nearby. You can search for nearby stations here.


Register at the gym

The Ethos sports centre, located in Princes Gardens, is free for students to use and features a state of the art gym and pool. Simply register for a Fitness Orientation online, and take along your college ID. A non-refundable fee of £40 applies, but after that you can visit as often as you like free of charge.

Orientation places fill up fast, so if you are fitness junkie make sure you sign up early!


Take a stroll down Exhibition Road and call in at some of the local museums

With the South Kensington campus only being a stone’s throw away from some of the biggest museums in the city, make sure you make some time to take in some of the local culture.

The Natural History Museum, The Science Museum and the V&A are all free to enter, and each host an event one night a month where you can visit after-hours.


Take a look at Imperial College Union’s Give It A Go calendar and try out a Club, Society or Project

The 340 Clubs, Societies and Projects here at Imperial will be running a number of starter or taster sessions for those who are looking to try something new. 

Take a look at our calendar and to see what sessions are available for you to take part in.


Stand in Your Reps and Council elections!

You can stand in the Your Reps and Council elections this term and really get involved with the representation side of Imperial College Union.

Ordinary Members of Council represent their Faculty at Union Council, the student-only decision making body of the Union. 

We are also looking for at least two volunteers to represent each year of study for each undergraduate course, and at least one volunteer for each Master’s course.

If you are a Postgraduate, you can also stand for a number of positions on the Graduate Students' Union committee, which represents all Postgraduate students across the College.

Nominations open on 3 October, so don’t forget to put your name down if you want to get involved.


Don't forget to use the Welcome Week hashtag #helloicu

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