Serving Supper to the Community

On Thursday evening 11 students from various departments of Imperial came together to help at Notting Hill Community Church, Dinner Club. Here they were helping set up and prepare food for members of the community who were homeless, lonely and just wanted someone to talk to for the evening. 

After the set up, they all got involved in chatting with people learning more about them and seeing them as people. One thing that resonated with us all was that these people may not speak to anyone for days and so this was a real opportunity for them to talk about their lives. It was a lively, warm environment with Christmas music in the background and even one gentleman turning up in a Santa suit! A great night for all involved!

The next Dinner Club with be on Thursday 24 December at 16.15 so if you are still in London, it's a great opportunity to do some good in the community.




Getting involved in the local community!

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