SACAs - winners announced!

The ceremony for our first Student Academic Choice Awards took place on Tuesday 21 May. The event was attended by staff and students – the shortlistees, senior College and Union staff, and a mix of students from the panels and students who nominated the shortlistees.

Each of the shortlisted candidates recevied a certificate for being nominated, and the winner received an additional trophy as their award.

The winners were:

Best Teaching for Undergraduates
Dr Alastair Donaldson, Computing

Best Innovation
Dr Jane Saffell, Department of Medicine

Best Graduate Teaching Assistant
Alan Zucconi, Computing

Best Teaching for Postgraduates
Professor Andrew Purvis, Division of Ecology and Evolution

Best Tutoring
Dr Sohag Saleh, Medicine

Best Feedback
Dr Rebecca Bell, Earth Science & Engineering

Best Support Staff
Anna Hikel, Civil & Environmental Engineering

Best Supervision
Dr Rafael Palacios Nieto, Aeronautics

Congratulations to all that were shortlisted and all of our winners! You can still see the full shortlist for each award at


There were 557 nominations received for 251 candidates – with one individual member of staff receiving an incredible 70 nominations! The most popular category was Best Teaching for Undergraduates with 244 submissions, more than twice that of the next most popular category, Best Supervision, with 101 nominations.

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