Research Opportunities for all Pupils

In light of the removal of the internship available only to Westminster School students in the Biomedical Engineering department, the Sabbaticals of Imperial College Union have decided to lobby the College further. Part of the department has clearly agreed to supervise an A-level student for a period of a week, a ‘CV boosting experience’ that would clearly be beneficial to students from any background.

Any pupil can access the opportunity regardless of their means

The Sabbatical team asks the College to still provide and advertise the opportunity to any school pupil, with an attached bursary from the department sufficient so that any pupil can access the opportunity regardless of their means.

Further to this, a paper will be brought to Imperial College Union Council on 30 May discussing how these opportunities are sourced and advertised to A-level pupils and what constitutes work experience and an internship for A-level pupils. This will hopefully mandate the sabbaticals to further investigate this issue ensuring that such a situation where opportunities are provided to students from only an educationally advantaged background never happens again.


The Union has been working with College for the last few years to ensure that they offer a comprehensive bursary and widening participation scheme.

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