Record Charity Week Fundraising Total

Imperial students raised £70,000 in this year’s annual Charity Week at events and fundraising activities organised by the Islamic Society. This total, not only Imperial’s highest ever, was the third highest nationally only just behind UCL and King’s College at £75,000 and £72,000 respectively.

Charity Week raises money for orphans and needy children and is organised by Islamic Societies from around UK Universities who come together to raise money for Islamic Relief. This year students also get a say in how the money raised is spent. You can see the potential charities and make your choice here.

Last year Imperial students collected almost £150,000 in charity fundraising activities. With RAG week coming up in the new year, the money raised in Charity Week looks set to help us towards and even higher total!


Raising and Giving (RAG) also run a charity fund-raising week. Look our for more information about RAG week in February.

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