The OSC present International Awareness Week!

Did you know that Imperial College London was ranked by the Times Higher Education as the most international university? 

If you don't, fret not! The Overseas Societies Committee is proud to present to you the International Awareness Week, a week to help promote our diverse and exciting range of cultures at Imperial. Here's how you can get involved, there's prizes to be won! 


Just follow these simple steps:

1. Take a picture with your international friends (International students are defined as students with nationalities outside the UK)

2. Like the OSC Facebook Page :

3. Post your photo on the page with the hashtag #InternationalImperial then tag your friends and write their nationalities in the caption!


Stand to win:

£100 - For the student who posts the picture with the highest number of likes x the highest number of nationalities

£25 - For 2 lucky draw winners

Join us in this exciting event and keep the look out on the OSC Facebook page for fun facts and events!


The Overseas Societies Committee present International Awareness Week!

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