Ordinary Member of Council Elections

Union Council is the policy and accountability forum of the Union. It is here to be the legitimate voice of the student body; passing policies that state the Unions stance of issues which may be local, national or international.

Your Officer Trustees bring reports to Council to ensure you know how they are representing you. This also provide an opportunity for you to ask them questions about their work.

If elected as a member of Council you are expected to read these reports and we encourage you to speak to friends and course buddies about issues before coming to the meeting – you will be there to represent them!

Any student can attend Council (and they are encouraged to do so), however only an elected member can vote.


What are the vacancies?

Faculty of Medicine Undergraduate Ordinary Member x 2

Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Ordinary Member x 1

Faculty of Engineering Undergraduate Ordinary Member x 1


How do I stand?

If you are a Faculty of Medicine Undergraduate or Postgraduate,  or Faculty of Engineering Undergradaute and want to stand as an Ordinary Member of Council, Email chairman@ic.ac.uk expressing your interest and come along to the Council meeting on 9 Feburary which is taking place in the Union Dining Hall and starts at 18.30.  You will be asked to verbally do a short manifesto (30 seconds-1 minute) and be prepared to be questioned by those present as to why you are standing.


Who can vote?

Anyone who you will be representing can vote for you. Any Postgraduate from the Faculty of Medcine or Undergraduate from the Faculty of Medicine and any Undergraduate from the Faculty of Engineering is welcome to attend the meeting and is eligible to vote. 




Council is the policy setting body of your Union.

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Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Email: union@imperial.ac.uk
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84