NSS Response 2015 Released

Every year, thousands of final-year students complete the National Student Survey - giving their views of quality of the teaching, feedback and support they have received throughout their degree. 

Imperial College Union has a vital role to play in amplifying the student voice, ensuring our members’ views and opinions are heard and are acted upon across the entire College. The NSS asks final-year Undergraduates to reflect upon their whole experience at Imperial, and as a result offers a wealth of insights into the lived experiences of our members across their entire degree.

Your Deputy President (Education), Chun-Yin San, was elected on a platform of working to reduce over-assessment and over-work for students - focusing instead on the transformative and developmental benefits of a high-quality education.  This is the theme of this year's NSS Response. Chun-Yin has blogged about this here.

With 31 recommendations on topics as diverse as online learning resource, course assessment structures, and exam timetabling, we have set out how Imperial College students want to see their education improve in a manner befitting a globally-respected institution.

We hope that this document is useful to academic and professional staff in many regards, and provides a useful toolkit for any College staff member or student representative who wants to engage and develop students through the transformative powers of education and research.



Read the NSS Response 2015


Imperial College Union exists to amplify the voice of students. Through our Academic Representation Network, we make sure that your opinions are heard - and your ideas implemented.

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