NSS Response 2014

This is our fourth annual National Student Survey (NSS) Response - an important event in our ongoing dialogue with College and our members about continually improving education at Imperial College London.

A constant theme of past NSS Responses is student dissatisfaction with the feedback they receive

Imperial College Union has a vital role to play in amplifying the student voice, ensuring our members’ views and opinions are heard and are acted upon across the entire College. The NSS asks final-year Undergraduates to reflect upon their whole experience at Imperial, and as a result offers a wealth of insights into the lived experiences of our members across their entire degree.

A constant theme of past NSS Responses - as well as our PTES Response, Rep Week suggestions and the Academic Representation Network - is student dissatisfaction with the feedback they receive on their coursework and exams.

Reflecting the importance of this issue, we have themed this whole Response around feedback. Our position on feedback is set out at the start of the document, and in each chapter, we have included a brief discussion on how the aspect of academic quality covered in that chapter can relate to feedback quality. We have also clearly highlighted any recommendations that could benefit feedback. Some of our recommendations are reiterated from previous responses. This doesn’t mean however that other recommendations from previous reports have been successfully implemented or trialled and we encourage the College to continue working on these.

We hope that this document is useful to academic and professional staff in many regards, and provides a useful toolkit for any College staff member or student representative who wants to address feedback across the institution.

Download a PDF of the NSS Response 2014.



Imperial College Union is the voice for all students at Imperial, documents such as this help us work with College to make the student experience at Imperial the best it can be.

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