Nominations now open for the 2015 Student Academic Choice Awards


SACAs Certificates

After two successful years, the Student Academic Choice Awards are back - Imperial College Union's flagship event to empower students to recognise, reward and celebrate excellence among College staff.

Nominate someone great now 

Launched in 2012 and awarded for the first time in 2013, the SACAs enable students to reward excellence and innovation amongst Imperial's academic and professional staff. We believe that teaching and supervision are academic skills of equal worth and value to research, and we aim to build a community in which academics, staff and students all feel empowered to innovate, learn and bring forth new ideas.

The SACAs are entirely student-led from start to finish - all nominations come from students, and every shortlist and winner is selected by all-student panels.

SACAs - Drinks

There are eight awards given each year, covering all the different groups of students, academics and non-academic staff at Imperial:

You can find out more about the 2013 and 2014 SACA winners, and the students who nominated them, here.

Who will you nominate? 

SACAs - Audience


Who do you want to win a coveted SACA award in May 2015? Send us your nominations now.

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