LSE Imperial GROUP this Summer

Since 2011 LSE has been running GROUPS (Group Research opportunity Undergraduate Projects), which provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to conduct a social science research project in cross-disciplinary cross-year groups around a given theme.

This summer LSE and Imperial have come together to provide an opportunity for 20 undergraduate students from College (any year of study) to join the GROUPs.

This intensive two week, full time experience is focused on the theme ‘Social Change in London’. Groups are made up of 5-6 students, there will be an induction, progress support, and each group will have a dedicated research supervisor. Whilst GROUPs will be based at the LSE, the mid-project event on Friday 26 June will take place at Imperial College.

The final presentation of projects takes place at the research conference on 3 July and the winners will be supported to present at the British Conference of Undergraduate Research. 

Taking part in this experience will be acknowledged by LSE and Imperial College if you wished to add this to your CV.

If you would like to apply please request the application form from and send the completed form to at LSE. There will be a LSE\IC selection process. 

Closing date: 5pm Friday 8th May.

In the meantime if you have any questions please contact Jo Ivison ( or Claire Gordon (


Deadline for application is 17:00 Friday 8 May

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