Leadership Elections 2016 - nominations open Wednesday 3 February

Every year, we elect a number of full-time and part-time positions to help lead the Union during the following academic year. This year's Leadership Elections (formerly known as The Big Elections) are your chance to stand for one of those roles and really get involved in your Union.

The Leadership Elections 2016 are open to all students, Undergraduates and Postgraduates alike. You can nominate yourself for one or more of the positions available during our Nominations period (Wednesday 3 - Sunday 28 February), and then you can campaign to all students at the College.

Your Candidates Revealed is taking place on Monday 29 February in Physics Lecture Theatre 1 from 13.00-13.50.  Candidates are requires to upload manifestos through eVoting with the deadline being 17.00 on Monday 29 February. 

All students are then able to vote from Friday 4 - Friday 11 March, and the results will be announced at our Results Party in Metric on that night. If you are elected in post, you will take up the role for the 2016/17 academic year. 

There will be more information online in the coming few days, and you'll see more and more added as the elections go on. So for now, watch this space!


Watch out for more information online in the coming few days and weeks!

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Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Email: union@imperial.ac.uk
Twitter: @icunion
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