Imperial J-Soc triumph at the UJS Student Awards

At the Union of Jewish Students (UJS) Student Awards, there are several awards given out at the event to recognise volunteers, societies and campaigns dedicated to Jewish life on university campuses throughout the United Kingdom. Thanks to students' votes, the Union's J-Soc came out on top as J-Soc of the year. Check out what the UJS had to say about the society:  

"Imperial J-Soc has had an incredibly dynamic year. Their events have included, weekly 'lunch and learns' that attract 40 students, speaker events, weekly learning sessions and their educational programming (run with Imperial Israeli Society), which has engaged a diverse range of their membership. Imperial has also hosted their own Shabbaton and Friday night dinners, as well as social events both with Imperial students and with other London Jewish Societies. Imperial also hosted a charity concert to raise money for an interfaith holocaust education project. The money from the concert was put towards publishing a series of lectures by holocaust survivors for interfaith groups. Additionally, Imperial J-Soc has been working closely with the Union to redraft the Union's external speaker policy to ensure that it remains a safe space for all students."

Congratulations to the Imperial J-Soc for their award. You can see all the other awards and winners on the UJS website.


The Union of Jewish Students (UJS) awarded Imperial J-Soc as the J-Soc of the year at their annual awards event.

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