Imperial Fringe comes to Imperial West

Find out who you really are as Imperial’s researchers get under your skin. Extract DNA from strawberries, see what your body temperature says about you, and take a journey through the human brain as Imperial’s groundbreaking research goes on tour.

Activities will take place in the Wood Lane Studios Common Room from 17.30–20.30. All activities are free and open to all. A pay bar will be open throughout.

Please fill in this form to confirm your attendance, and to register for your free place at the 18:00 or 19:30 demonstrations of surgery in action!

  • Struggling to get your head around the double helix? Make yourself a DNA bracelet, fold your own origami genes, and see what strawberry DNA looks like with respiratory researcher DrUta Griesenbach.
  • Temperatures rise as fertility doctors Alexander Comninos and Chioma Izzi-Engbeaya use their heat-sensitive camera to guide you through new treatments for infertility.
  • Try your hand at genome sequencing with fridge magnets and coloured string. Let molecular biologist Dr Michael Mueller and his team show you how to unravel the genes that make you you.
  • Whizz around the brain in 3D with neuroscientist Dr John McGonigle. Explore the delicate physical connections that are central to your identity and find out what happens when they get disrupted.
  • Go behind bars with the Science Museum’s Outreach TeamLeader Tracey Morgan to find out how we can get the UK’s nearly 90,000 prisoners interested in science, and why we should try.
  • Find out what you’re really made of with Roger Kneebone, Imperial’s Professor of Surgical Education, and his pop-up operating theatre.

View directions to Imperial Fringe: What makes me me?


Find out things you never knew about yourself at our first free public event at the Imperial West Campus on Monday 12 September

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