Imperial College Union jumps in the NSS satisfaction league for 2015

The National Student Survey is a chance for final year students to give their feedback on their at Imperial. The results have been released, and there have been very positive increases in results for the Union and the College.

Satisfaction about the Union and our services increased to 78% this year, a rise of 3% on last year. That puts us in the top 25 students’ unions in the country - we jumped 11 places up the NSS rankings this year, and remain the best in Central London. Some key reforms and projects that have contributed to this have been:

  • Connecting students to volunteering opportunities through Community Connections, including 14 mass volunteering events over the past year.
  • Two successful Give It A Go sessions in October 2014 and January 2015, giving students the chance to try something new through our Clubs, Societies & Projects.
  • Work put in by our Academic Reps to address issues surrounding assessment and feedback, areas of focus in our last NSS Response.
  • Giving support and a voice to student led campaigns such as Mentality and IC Sexism.
  • Using £100,000 of Union funds to develop a new Media Centre and club storage space in the west basement of Beit Quadrangle, and gaining capital funds to develop the Union’s Concert Hall.
  • Opening Shop Extra on the Sherfield Walkway, selling everyday essentials to students and staff and providing vital income to go back into the Union.

The College have also done well in this year’s survey. 88% of survey participants agreed that their overall experience at the College was satisfactory – an increase of 1% on last year and 2% above the national average.

Imperial College Union President Lucinda Sandon-Allum said: “We are glad to see the College continuing to make efforts to improve the student experience at Imperial. The Union’s own results this year have shown another marked increase and we are now confidently one of the leading students' unions in the UK. 

“The Union will continue to work closely with the College, publishing its response to the NSS in the autumn, aiming to build on this year’s results and make sure Imperial is the best it can be.”

We will publish our fifth annual response to the NSS in November where we will again focus on areas of strong improvement and best practice within departments as well as highlighting areas that still require attention.


NSS data is based on the opinions of participating final year undergraduates across most UK universities and colleges, on a range of issues from personal development support to how intellectually stimulating students find their courses.

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Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84