Help College ICT with Cyber Security

Volunteers needed! Help to get the message out

Know the risks to your digital security: Education & behaviour change

For all of us, staying safe and secure whilst using digital devices and systems for work, study and social activities is a growing challenge. Cybercriminals employ more and more sophisticated methods in their persistent attempts to steal information or disrupt business, and malicious online attacks are increasingly frequent. Protecting information is down to the individual, and for those who don’t take care the risks are high. Being caught out can lead to data theft and leaks, damaged relationships and reputations, fines and even dismissal.  

To help staff and students to stay safe and secure, ICT is planning a campaign to communicate the risks to digital security and precautions that can be taken to avoid them. And we need your help.

We’re seeking opinionated and enthusiastic volunteers to take part in two small focus groups representing staff and students. The hour-long sessions, the first in February and second in March, will be informal discussion groups hosted by the campaign’s designers. You don’t need to do anything to prepare, just come along ready to share your views on subjects like:

  • What makes you sit up and pay attention?
  • Which creative campaign designs would you find most eye-catching?
  • Do you think messages are clear and prompt for action?

We will offer print credits to thank you for your time and help.

If you’re willing to get involved, please let Alex Yakimov know by 14 Feb 2015 via email: Confirmed participants will receive a confirmation email with details.


To help staff and students to stay safe and secure, ICT is planning a campaign to communicate the risks to digital security and precautions that can be taken to avoid them.

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