Each year RAG selects a Local, National and International charity to support and they want your help! Please have a read through the descriptions of the charities and select which one you support. The results we be announced after the polls have closed.
Please note that these polls are only open to student members of the union - please log in to the website in order to vote.
Local Charities

Royal Trinity Hospice is the UK’s oldest hospice, and only dedicated end-of-life care provider for 750,000 adults in central and south-west London.
We aim to ensure that every patient receives the best end-of-life care by providing expert support and advice at our state-of-the-art Inpatient Centre in Clapham, and caring for over 1,500 people annually no matter what their circumstances, including the homeless and those in care homes, prisons and shelters.
We offer a range of services that can be accessed as soon as a terminal diagnosis is delivered, including: counselling and practical support, welfare advice, occupational and physiotherapy, complementary therapies, spiritual care and creative activities.
Trinity prides itself on innovative, progressive palliative care. We focus on reaching out to our community: working with young adults as they leave children’s hospices and alongside Black and Minority Ethnic leaders. In 2014 we were the first hospice to march in Pride, became a Stonewall Diversity Champion and established our LGBT Friends Group.
Trinity receives under 30% of funding from the government, so must raise £8million annually to provide its services completely free of charge.
2016 is our 125th anniversary and we’d love to celebrate with Imperial through fundraising events and volunteering opportunities!

Breaking Barriers is a holistic employment service for refugees, focussing on enhancing employability skills and finding direct employment through our job brokerage services. We do this by partnering with organisations to find refugees work placements, apprenticeships and/ or full-time roles that are commensurate with their skills, experience and qualifications. Additionally, we run employability workshops to ensure that all refugees are ready for the work place. Refugee populations will benefit from high employment levels, lower representation in un-skilled, low-paid and informal jobs, the prevention of downward social mobility, empowerment and social inclusion. In turn, the wider community benefits from refugees’ integration through social cohesion and community strengthening.
With the ongoing refugee crisis and promise from the UK government to house 20,000 Syrian refugees over the next parliament, it is imperative that efforts focus not just on a humanitarian response, but a long-term resettlement plan.
Imperial students have the opportunity to support an innovative and exciting charity addressing this issue. There are a multitude of possibilities for Imperial College students to volunteer throughout our services.

Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) is one of the top five paediatric research hospitals in the world. We treat children from all over the UK and abroad who are diagnosed with the most complex, life-threatening conditions.
We have the widest range of specialists under one roof in the country and receive 240,000 patient visits a year. With your generous support we can save more lives, develop new treatments, build new facilities and continue to provide outstanding care to our young patients and their families.
Please help us to give hope to patients and families, for whom we are often the last resort.
In return we can offer the knowledge that you are supporting one of the best hospitals in the world, volunteering opportunities, exciting challenges and all the materials you need to make your fundraising a huge success this year. Everything you raise will make a real difference to our patients and their families and your support is very much appreciated.

This year, 1,000 babies will be sent home from hospital with an undiagnosed heart condition. Tragically, many of these conditions will not be detected until it is too late.
Early detection of heart problems greatly improves a baby’s chance of survival. Tiny Tickers provides training to health professionals so they are able to identify a heart defect during a pregnancy scan. Mia’s heart defect was discovered this way – and it meant that doctors were on hand as soon as she was born, meaning her heart surgery, at just 3 days old, was a success. Mia is now a happy and healthy 4 year old.
Tiny Tickers believes that, with support, we can train all sonographers in the UK and give more baby hearts a better start. And not just that. We are working to provide vital support to families dealing with a diagnosis, and equip all parents-to-be with the information they need to ensure that their baby’s heart has the best start possible.
As an Imperial student, we believe we can achieve so much by joining together – both to support the work of Tiny Tickers and to develop your own skills. Please get in touch and find more.
National Charities

CLIC Sargent is the UK’s leading cancer charity for children and young people, and their families. Today, 10 children and young people, and their families, will have life as they know it turned upside down by the news they have cancer. Treatment is often gruelling and can happen a long way from home. Dealing with cancer can be overwhelming, from emotional strain to practical and financial worries.
CLIC Sargent provides practical, emotional and clinical support to children and young people with cancer across the UK and last year we supported more than 6,600 young cancer patients and their families, helping them cope with the often overwhelming impact of cancer and its treatment on the whole family.
Currently we can only support two out of three young cancer patients – simply because of lack of funds. So a priority of our strategy is to reach and support every single child, young person and family in need of the practical, emotional and clinical support our care professionals can provide and that’s where Imperial RAG can help!

The British Refugee Council helps asylum-seekers and refugees who have fled war and persecution to find safety in the United Kingdom. As a human rights charity with over 60 years experience, we have consistently provided expert advice and support to individuals and families seeking safety at all stages of the asylum process through services including integration, counselling, resettlement and supporting unaccompanied asylum seeking children. We also provide a voice for refugees and asylum-seekers so their needs are heard by policy makers, ensuring that the UK system is fair, humane and effective.
The current Refugee Crisis is the worst our charity has seen since the Second World War. A recent UNHCR report placed the number of refugees globally at 59.5 million in 2015. This is the highest number of refugees ever recorded. Since our charity’s foundation in 1951 following a similar crisis we remain at the forefront of this issue, consistently helping people flee from human rights abuses overseas and finding safety in the UK.
We welcome your support in this time of crisis.

We help the people everyone else has given up on.
The homeless man who reeks of drink.
The woman selling sex on the corner with track marks up her arms.
The guy in the shop doorway yelling at passers by.
The person who asked you for change this morning.
Our teams see them all.
We work with doctors and nurses, housing experts, benefits assessors, legal teams, phlebotomists, tissue viability teams, pain management, drug and alcohol services and homeless people themselves.
We bring them together to create services that change lives. We believe that everyone has a right to good healthcare, and that good healthcare can help put things right.
Rather than sparing change, we're asking you to be the change. Please help us take care of homeless health.
Orchid exists to save men's lives from testicular, prostate and penile cancers through a range of support services, education and awareness campaigns and a pioneering research programme. Orchid is recognised as the UK’s leading charity working on behalf of anyone affected by or interested in male cancer.
“Historically there has been less information and support available for men with male cancer specific diseases compared to female specific problems”. A Uro-oncology Nurse Specialist
- Over 41,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and sadly 10,000 do not survive. This equates to one man dying every hour
- Over 2,200 men every year are affected by testicular cancer. This means that every day, 6 men are diagnosed and many of these are under 35
- A further 500 men are diagnosed with the much rarer penile cancer
Orchid can provide unique opportunities for students to get involved with the Charity, these include: training to become an Ambassador, Ad hoc volunteering and streamlined internships. We can also offer a group of students to visit our Tissue bank (the biggest tissue bank in Europe).
Join us now in our fight against male cancer!
International Charities

PaR works to break the cycle of poverty and deprivation through education in the Nairobi slums. PaR takes a holistic approach to education encompassing all factors that influence education from Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) to text books. PaR works actively to engage young people with sub-Saharan Africa, home to some of the poorest people in the world. It is student-led with 4 of 6 trustees and half of its members at university. PaR enables students to make a real difference. PaR is opposed to volunteer tourism but encourages volunteers to visit Kenya who are willing to undertake work that will make a real difference to local communities.
PaR takes a holistic approach to education building a scalable model. PaR provides items like text books and desks while tackling important factors like health (a sick child cannot attend school), malnutrition (causes permanent cognitive impairment limiting potential) and gender inequality (girls are disadvantaged because of practices like FGM and cultural beliefs) PaR has not paid staff in the UK with over 98% of the money it raises being spent on the ground. PaR is a young, ambitious charity, eager to succeed. It welcomes the opportunity to engage with students at Imperial.

EMERGENCY recognises the ‘Right to be Cured’ as a basic and inalienable right belonging to each and every member of the human community.
For the past 21 years, EMERGENCY has brought free, high quality health care in a number of conflict and post-conflict areas like Afghanistan, Iraq, Eritrea, Sudan, and Sierra Leone, treating victims of war, landmines and poverty. EMERGENCY has treated over 6 million patients in 16 different countries, completely free of charge. We have helped to build and re-build hospitals and health facilities in a number of countries, training and employing local personnel. EMERGENCY UK supports the work of EMERGENCY through fundraising and raising-awareness activities. Being a small organization, our goal for the next years is to expand our platform of supporters. In particular, we aim at involving students because we believe they can be a great resource for EMERGENCY UK, given their passion, creativity, and curiosity. Moreover, EMERGENCY is well-known for the high quality of the health services it offers. This means that we are constantly in need of funds to maintain the high standard of our health facilities and to guarantee to our patients the best service possible.

United World Schools is an exciting and ambitious charity that seeks to teach the unreached by building and developing sustainable, community-led free schools in rural, post-conflict zones for the world's poor and marginalised children, saving them from lives of poverty, poor health, and abuse. We work only in areas where children will not receive an education in any other way and where no similar charities are working.
All money raised goes directly to the school in need, and we'll give loads of updates on how the school is doing. We're really flexible and view our relationships with students as a partnership, so we can arrange volunteer teaching trips to your school, invite you to take part in our Cycle Cambodia Challenge, come in and run interesting presentations on our work, host interns, basically anything you'd find helpful!
Working with us can allow you to develop a variety of skills in entrepreneurship, fundraising, events organisation, leadership, financial management, marketing, teaching and much more.

We were established 10 years ago with one simple founding belief; that children are the forgotten victims of conflict. Children of Peace offers a fresh, non partisan approach to conflict resolution in the Middle East. We do so by working with Israeli and Palestinian children to build positive relationship for a future generation whose communities might live and work in peace, side by side. The only side we take is that of the children, and by building bridges between communities we hope to engender the trust, cooperation and coexistence that will yield peace in the future.
We believe that it is intolerance, mistrust and fear of the ‘other’ that fuels conflict. As long as young Israeli and Palestinians continue to encounter each other only in the arena of war, then they will continue to use violence as a means of redressing geopolitical grievances. We support projects which allow young people to recognise their shared humanity, to understand each other and to choose friendship over hatred. We know that Imperial and its students have a strong pacifist tradition, and we want to provide new opportunities for Imperial students to engage with the peace process and help young lives ravaged by conflict.