Grab yourself a £5 Amazon Voucher

Have you checked out Move'm yet? You definitely should!

Many of us have had issues with poor quality housing or rogue landlords (or both if you’ve been really unlucky!), and it is time to put that to an end. As part of the Union’s campaign to tackle housing issues, we are thrilled to be collaborating with Move’m!

Move’m is essentially a TripAdvisor for student housing. Similar to how you would rate a hotel or restaurant, you can now rate your student houses too. You can review and advise on properties that you loved and properties that you hated. Other students at Imperial are then able to benefit from this inside knowledge, by knowing which properties are pleasant to live in and which should be avoided.

In the past Move’m has been able to pre-warn students due to move in to a negatively reviewed house and has even got them out of their contract and got their non-refundable money back. It has also put pressure on landlords local to other Universities to ensure houses are of the best quality.  

We know that there are so many of you who are always eager to share your thoughts on your experience of houses in the private sector; Move’m has now provided the perfect platform to do so.

To kick things off we would like as many of you as possible to review accommodation you’ve lived in within the past 5 years. As a reward, after reviewing your property (and confirming your Imperial email address) you will be sent a £5 e-voucher for Amazon!

How it works:

-       Go to the Move’m website and submit your review easily via this link
-       Move’m will contact the letting agent to obtain records of the house availability
-       ALL reviews (positive and negative) will be posted online.

Simple as that!


Have you checked out Move'm yet? You definitely should!

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