Funding available for Student Social Entrepreneurs

Are you involved in a student social enterprise, or have an idea that you think could change the world?

Our Student Social Enterprise Fund is designed to give new and developing student led social enterprises a funding boost to help make their ideas a reality. Last year we awarded a total of £1,500 to 5 teams including Venture Catalyst Challenge finalists CyanoFeed.

No matter what stage your enterprise is at, whether you just have an initial idea, or are working towards launching your enterprise onto the market, our funding is here to help you to develop your project and build your network. Through the fund you'll also have full access to support from the Union's Student Development Team who manage the enterprise support programme ACT Now! For more information about the projects we funded last year, check out our case studies

Applications are open through our online webform. You can apply for a maximum of £300 per enterprise. The deadline for applications is Sunday 4 December. Successful applicants will be contacted within 1 week of the deadline closing and invitied to meet and discuss their enterprise. 

Not sure if you enterprise counts as a social enterprise? Check out our definition of a social enterprise, and if you have any questions get in touch with Student Development Co-ordinator Elanor Henry.


Funding available for student led social enterprises.

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