Freshers' Fair 2016 - find your way around!

Freshers' Fair 2016 is the biggest event of Welcome Week and is your chance to meet every one of our over 350 Clubs, Societies & Projects.

Held across Imperial College London's South Kensington campus, the Freshers' Fair has over 400 stands spread across 14 areas. The fair starts at 11:00 on Tuesday 4 October and runs until 16:00.

We recommed just wondering around so you get a chance to take in the great atmosphere and see all the amazing stalls. However if you want to find a specific stall we have all the tools here to help you!

View the map here

Grab a copy of Felix

Imperial's student newspaper Felix has printed our map in their first edition. One of the centre pages of this are a pull-out guide to the fair with a plan of all the areas and all the stands.

Felix is also distributed across most of the Imperial campuses so you can pick up a copy from a distribution bin near you from the first day of term onwards!

Use our A-to-Z

Our A-to-Z lists every one of our Clubs, Societies & Projects and is one of the most popular pages on our website. For the next week we have also added the location of each of them on their pages. 

Grab a map on the day

Look out for our #helloicu crew around the campus on the day wearing their purple t-shirts. They will be handing our printed maps for the fair. Remember to recycle them when you are done though!

Download a PDF of the map

If you have one of those fancy iPads or tablet things, then you can just download a PDF of the map. Save the environment, look cool and use the PDF version!


Find all of our Welcome events at

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