Free Leadership Training for Disabled Students

Held in Nottingham from 4-6 November, the Frontrunner Disabled Student program allows students to go behind the scenes of a city to see how it works. As part of this student will have the opportunity to meet leaders of a variety of organisations and their leaders across many sectors. Previously participants have met leaders from organisations such as, Santander, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Unilever, Local Authorities, the NHS, and The Observer. The course is organised by Common Purpose. 

What Will You Do:

Investigate how leadership operates in practice.

Learn about where power and influence lies in a city.

Tackle real life organisational challenges and present ideas for solutions to the organisations you visit. 

Work in and lead teams.

Meet senior leaders and benefit from their experience. 

What Will You Get Out Of It?

Accelerate your leadership skills.

Increase your employability by adding value to your CV.

Develop communciation and presentation skills.

Develop your ability to adapt and thrive in multiple environments.

Collaborate with peer students and form long lasting networks.

Foster an ability to work with senior leaders around the country. 

What Have Previous Participants Said?

" My confidence has increased dramatically, and my enthusiasm and belief than I can develop the skills to lead in my community and make an impact has been boosted. I have been inspired by many of the people I have met, and touched in a way I did not expect. I also feel I have gained skills in effective teamwork, inclusiveness and openness, public speaking and persuading people."

Abigail Taylor, Student, University of Oxford

How To Apply: 


Free leadership training for Disabled Students

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