Call for bids for Harlington Fund surplus

Got a big idea for your Club, Society or Project? The sort of idea that will provide benefit to a wide range of students? This opportunity is not-to-be missed with up to £250,000 up for grabs for student groups.

Up to £250,000 up for grabs for student groups

The Harlington Grants Fund Committee is seeking proposals to form the basis of its application to the College Council in November. This is an chance to think big and develop an idea well beyond the usual scope of funding which is available.  Proposals are welcomed from both Clubs/Societies working individually and those working in partnership.




Proposals submitted in response to this call should evidence the following indicators:

  • Provide opportunities to increase student engagement and improve the experience of students at Imperial,
  • Have ongoing benefit to a wide range of students. It is noted that at campuses away from South Kensington student numbers are limited and this is not a barrier to applications from groups at these sites.
  • Where practicable engage multiple student groups,
  • Have a lasting impact and provide a tangible improvement on current facilities, equipment or activities,
  • Have an indicative budget of at least £25,000 and be not more than £250,000. 
  • Any proposal to purchase new equipment must be accompanied by details of where it will be stored and if appropriate where it will be used,
  • Be a proposal for funding and not for space. Applications for space cannot be considered through this process. Any space which is required for the proposal to be funded must have already been secured,
  • Note other ways in which the proposed idea could be funded,
  • Be proposed by students, or have clear student support if proposed by a member of staff.


All proposals should be made on the Large Capital Grants application form available at

Completed forms should be emailed to Phil Power in the first instance: The deadline for proposals is 30 September 2013, but earlier submission is encouraged. 



These proposals are intended to be of a value beyond the normal size of allocations made by the Harlington Grants Fund Committee. This should not impact the ability of the Fund to make regular smaller awards to student groups, currently up to £50,000 per annum.

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