A Better Experience for Taught Postgraduates

We have published our Response to the 2014 Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey - making recommendations on how College and the Union can better serve our 3500 taught postgraduate members.

The PTES is a national survey that takes place every two years, measuring the satisfaction of taught postgraduates - students on MSc, MBA and MPH courses at Imperial College London. Imperial College Union, as the voice of Imperial Postgraduates, has generated our Response to the survey results, including 15 specific recommendations.

Covering areas such as teaching quality, skills development, resources and projects, the PTES Response is intended to make real changes to how taught postgraduates are supported and served at Imperial.

Recommendations include:

  • Clear guidelines on assessment criteria and feedback deadlines
  • Reviews of excessive workloads to maintain intellectual motivation
  • No classes on Wednesday afternoons to encourage a healthy work-life balance
  • Clear explanations of the professional and academic skills that each course will provide

You can read the Response in full here.


The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey runs nationally every two years - Imperial College London last participated in 2010.

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