Autumn Election Results (Re-Run)

This week's elections saw just under 8% of the student population take part in the re-run of the affected positions, this combined with the 1st week of voting has seen 17% of students participate in democracy. 

While the turnout may not be as high as previous year, we are confident that we have minimised the effects of this technical error on the democratic processes. Democracy is one of Imperial College Union's four core values, and we are proud to have such an engaged and active membership. Even though our statistics may be affected by a technical error we are confident we are holding fair and democratic elections for our volunteers and representatives. 

Following a technical difficulty which affected some of the positions within the Autumn Election, the below are the results of the positions which were elected.

To read more about the technical issue and how we resolved it here

To find out the results of the Autumn Elections here .


As well as our Elections, there are hundreds of ways to volunteer with Imperial College Union such as:

It's never too late to join a team or take part in an activity - if you haven't yet signed up - you can do so now or at any point of your time here at Imperial.

Thank you to all candidates and congratulations to the winners!


View positions starting with letter:

Aeronautics MSc Advanced Aeronautics Engineering Representatve

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 6
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Elected? In Stage
Eleanor Risson 8 0 8 Y 1
Marco Ghilardi 4 0 4
Sarah Becker 4 +2 6 Y 2
Baran Sahan 2 -2 0 N 2
RON Re-Open Nominations 0 0 0 N 2
Lost Votes 0

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Aeronautics MSc Advanced Computational Methods Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 2
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Rheanne Sun Wai 4 Y 1
Christian Chazo Paz 2 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 0
Lost Votes

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Aeronautics Year Four Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 7.67
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Elected? In Stage
Thilo Braun 9 0 9 Y 1
Marc Ewenz Rocher 7 0 7 Y 2
Sean Christie 6 0 6
RON Re-Open Nominations 1 -1 0 N 2
Lost Votes 1 1

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Aeronautics Year One Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 19.67
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Round 8 Round 9 Elected? In Stage
Antoine Millet 20 0 0 -0.33 -0.33 0 -0.33 0 -0.33 0 -0.33 0 -0.33 0 -0.33 0 -0.33 Y 1
Javier Leguina Peral 10 0 0 0.06 10.06 0 10.06 0 10.06 +1 11.06 0 11.06 0 11.06 +1 12.06
Chun Yiu 7 0 0 0.02 7.02 0 7.02 0 7.02 0 7.02 0 7.02 -7.02 0 0 0 N 8
Esther Maltby 7 0 0 0.06 7.06 +1 8.06 0 8.06 +1 9.06 0 9.06 1.02 10.08 2.04 12.12 Y 9
Nutnicha (Nisha) Saduagkan 4 0 0 0.06 4.06 0 4.06 0 4.06 0 4.06 3.02 7.08 +2 9.08 -9.08 0 N 9
Bi Low 3 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 6
Marij Qureshi 3 0 0 0 3 0 3 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 5
Jiangxuan Chen 3 0 0 0.02 3.02 0 3.02 +1 4.02 0 4.02 -4.02 0 0 0 0 0 N 7
Daniel Ben-Tiba 1 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 4
RON Re-Open Nominations 1 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 4
Devansh Agrawal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 2
Lost Votes 0 0.11 0.11 1 1.11 2 3.11 1 4.11 1 5.11 4 9.11 6.04 15.15

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Aeronautics Year Two Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 2
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Elected? In Stage
Xingchen Zhou 5 -3 2 Y 1
Wojciech Kowalski 1 +3 4 Y 2
RON Re-Open Nominations 0 0 0
Lost Votes 0 0

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Artsoc: Secretary

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 15
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Elected? In Stage
Zhi Chua 15 0 15 Y 2
Hui Yee Tan 11 0 11
Bingjie Chan 4 0 4
RON Re-Open Nominations 1 -1 0 N 2
Vanessa Lim 0 0 0 N 2
Lost Votes 1 1

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Biochemistry Year One Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 8
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Isabel Esain Garcia 11 Y 1
Sanziana Foia 8 Y 1
En Lai 4
RON Re-Open Nominations 1
Lost Votes

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Biochemistry Year Three Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 1.34
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Elected? In Stage
Laura Briggs 4 -2.66 1.34 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 0 0 0 Y 2
Lost Votes 4 4

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Biochemistry Year Two Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 4.67
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Elected? In Stage
Lidia Ripoll Sanchez 9 -4.33 4.67 Y 1
Catalina Goyeneche Hernandez 3 2.70 5.70 Y 2
Emma Couves 2 1.62 3.62
RON Re-Open Nominations 0 0 0
Lost Votes 0.01 0.01

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Biology: Academic & Careers Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 19
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Elected? In Stage
James Davis 18 0 18 +1 19 Y 3
Charlotte Griaud 15 0 15 -15 0 N 3
Raven Connelly Beng Hung 15 0 15 +4 19
RON Re-Open Nominations 1 -1 0 0 0 N 2
Cameron Doughty 0 0 0 0 0 N 2
Lost Votes 1 1 10 11

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Biology Year Two Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 17.34
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Elected? In Stage
Ryan Lin 35 -17.66 17.34 0 17.34 Y 1
Nilani Chandradeva 8 4.20 12.20 +4 16.20 Y 3
Charlotte Griaud 5 4.90 9.90 -9.90 0 N 3
Natasha Boyd 4 8.40 12.40 3.10 15.50
RON Re-Open Nominations 0 0 0 0 0 N 3
Lost Votes 0.16 0.16 2.80 2.96

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BioMedical: Social Secretary

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 24
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Justin Wilson 33 Y 1
Amy Harvey 15
RON Re-Open Nominations 0
Lost Votes

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BioMedical: Webmaster

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 19
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Vivian Keung 20 Y 1
Zara Liew 10
Glykeria Karanika 7
RON Re-Open Nominations 1
Lost Votes

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BioMedical: Welfare Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 21
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Elected? In Stage
Shannon Brown 20 +2 22 Y 2
Liam Duan 18 +2 20
Emilia Lindquist 5 -5 0 N 2
Seung Lee 3 -3 0 N 2
RON Re-Open Nominations 0 0 0 N 2
Lost Votes 4 4

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CGCU: Sports Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 56.5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Filippa Furniss 94 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 19
Lost Votes

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CGCU: Welfare Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 85
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Fintan O'Connor 90 Y 1
Mikhail Demtchenko 46
Rohan Padmanabhan 14
Sabah Sheikh 12
RON Re-Open Nominations 4
Thibault Audic 4
Lost Votes

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Chemical Engineering MSc Advanced Chemical Eng & related courses Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 10.67
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Elected? In Stage
Gwenael Bonnave 16 -5.33 10.67 Y 1
Lennart Kleibergen 10 2.40 12.40 Y 2
Carol Choi 3 1.44 4.44
Luuk van Kleef 2 1.44 3.44
RON Re-Open Nominations 1 0 1
Lost Votes 0.05 0.05

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Chemical Engineering Year One Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 20.67
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Round 8 Round 9 Round 10 Round 11 Elected? In Stage
Katie Mawdsley 14 0 14 +1 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 +1 16 +1 17 0 17 +1 18 +4 22 Y 11
Khilan Shah 14 0 14 0 14 0 14 0 14 0 14 0 14 +1 15 0 15 +2 17 +1 18
Aniket Chitre 12 0 12 0 12 +1 13 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 13 +1 14 +2 16 -16 0 N 11
Ane Garcia Gauna 11 0 11 0 11 0 11 +1 12 +2 14 0 14 +2 16 0 16 +3 19 +3 22 Y 11
Kathryn Jaitly 7 0 7 0 7 +1 8 +1 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 -9 0 0 0 N 10
Giulio Fumagalli Romario 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 8
August O'Beirne 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 7
Richard Sharpe 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 6
Huzaifa Patel 3 +1 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 +1 5 +1 6 0 6 -6 0 0 0 0 0 N 9
Carl Behmer 2 0 2 +1 3 0 3 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 5
Anastasia Teck 2 0 2 0 2 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 4
Luke Whittington 2 0 2 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 3
Abrar Masud 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 2
RON Re-Open Nominations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 2
Deniz Ozer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 2
Lost Votes 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 5 8 1 9 8 17

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Chemical Engineering Year Three Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 13.34
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Elected? In Stage
Pedro Alonso Ariso 12 +5 17 Y 2
Shen Gan 12 0 12 Y 2
Caleb Pettit 10 +1 11
Bayan Al-Balushi 6 -6 0 N 2
Justin Yeung 2 -2 0 N 2
RON Re-Open Nominations 0 0 0 N 2
Lost Votes 2 2

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Chemical Engineering Year Two Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 20.34
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Elected? In Stage
Hariprasad Kesavadas 22 0 0 -1.66 -1.66 0 -1.66 0 -1.66 0 -1.66 Y 1
Louis Boyer 16 0 0 0.56 16.56 0 16.56 0 16.56 +3 19.56 Y 6
Sang Lee 7 0 0 0.64 7.64 +1 8.64 0 8.64 -8 0.64 N 6
Anshul Bongirwar 7 0 0 0.08 7.08 0 7.08 -7.08 0 0 0 N 5
Daniel Wigh 5 0 0 0.24 5.24 +2 7.24 7.08 14.32 0 14.32
Aris Papadimitriou 4 0 0 0 4 -4 0 0 0 0 0 N 4
RON Re-Open Nominations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 2
Lost Votes 0 0.14 0.14 1 1.14 1.14 5 6.14

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Chemistry: First year ChemSoc Representative

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 19
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Stephanie Cheng 26 Y 1
Lloyd James 8
RON Re-Open Nominations 4
Lost Votes

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Chemistry: Industrial Relations Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 13
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
William Micou 18 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 8
Lost Votes

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Chemistry: Photographer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 11.5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Yifan Jiang 22 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 1
Lost Votes

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Chemistry: Secretary

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 13
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Michael Suarez Vasquez 24 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 2
Lost Votes

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Chemistry Year One Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 9
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Elected? In Stage
Joseph Counte 18 -9 9 Y 1
Oscar Chen 6 3.75 9.75 Y 2
Daniel Kirrane 2 3.75 5.75
RON Re-Open Nominations 1 1.50 2.50
Lost Votes 0 0

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Chemistry Year Two Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 13
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Lorenz Hoffmann 18 Y 1
Emmanuel Opoku 13 Y 1
Jake Hummell 7
RON Re-Open Nominations 1
Lost Votes

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Chinese Students & Scholars Association: Deputy Head of Marketing Department

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 8
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Daohe Yuan 14 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 2
Lost Votes

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Electrical & Electronic Engineering Year Three Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 7.34
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Youssef Rizk 11 Y 1
Javier Hernandez Suarez 10 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 1
Lost Votes

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Electrical & Electronic Engineering Year Two Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 23.67
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Elected? In Stage
Deland Liu 21 +1 22 +1 23 +2 25 +1 26 Y 5
Rajan Patel 15 0 15 0 15 +1 16 -16 0 N 5
Daniel Williams 11 +1 12 +1 13 +5 18 +9 27 Y 5
Sara Mainiero 10 +1 11 +4 15 +3 18 0 18
Fanny Khoury 9 0 9 +2 11 -11 0 0 0 N 4
Antonio Enas 8 0 8 -8 0 0 0 0 0 N 3
Mohika Gupta 3 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 2
RON Re-Open Nominations 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 2
Lost Votes 1 1 1 1 6 7

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Electrical Engineering: Webmaster

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 30
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Koral Hassan 30 Y 1
Haaris Mehmood 21
Athanasios Liaskas 5
RON Re-Open Nominations 4
Lost Votes

Return to Index

Electronic & Information Engineering Year Four Representative

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 6
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Nicholas Robertson 10 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 2
Lost Votes

Return to Index

Electronic & Information Engineering Year One Representative

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Elected? In Stage
Willem van der Schoot 5 0 5 Y 2
Enda Mulville 4 +1 5
RON Re-Open Nominations 3 -3 0 N 2
Lost Votes 2 2

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Entrepreneurs: Marketing Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 11
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Joshua Renken 18 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 4
Lost Votes

Return to Index

German: Industrial Liaison Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 2
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Paul Streli 3 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 1
Lost Votes

Return to Index

GSU: Deputy President (Representation)

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 14
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
God'Spower Onyenanu 21 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 7
Lost Votes

Return to Index

GSU: Events Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 11
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Jan Dvorsky 14 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 8
Lost Votes

Return to Index

GSU: Marketing & Publicity Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 19
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Roxana Windisch 36 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 2
Lost Votes

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GSU: Secretary

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 13
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Raya El Laham 22 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 4
Lost Votes

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Indian: Social Secretary

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 2
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Nawal Mehta 3 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 1
Lost Votes

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Joint Maths & Computing UG Departmental Representative

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 18
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Rakhilya Mekhtieva Lee 34 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 2
Lost Votes

Return to Index

Joint Maths & Computing Year Four Representative

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 2.5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
James Stewart 5 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 0
Lost Votes

Return to Index

Joint Maths & Computing Year Two Representative

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 9.5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Robert Holland 15 Y 1
Ruiao Hu 3
RON Re-Open Nominations 1
Lost Votes

Return to Index

Materials MSc Advanced Materials Science and Engineering Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 1
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Federico Lombardi 2 Y 1
Sarah Fothergill 1 Y 1
Yunjie Shi 0
RON Re-Open Nominations 0
Lost Votes

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Materials Year Three Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 22.34
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Elected? In Stage
Shengda Pu 42 -19.66 22.34 0 22.34 Y 1
Muhammed Maktari 10 6.27 16.27 3.56 19.83
Jin Song 7 9.69 16.69 4.24 20.93 Y 3
RON Re-Open Nominations 4 0 4 -4 0 N 3
Isabelle Candy 4 3.42 7.42 -7.36 0.06 N 3
Lost Votes 0.28 0.28 3.56 3.84

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Materials Year Two Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 13.67
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Elected? In Stage
Carmen Barragan 15 0 15 0 15 Y 1
Stepan Kolacek 11 0 11 +3 14 Y 3
Luke Savin 8 0 8 +2 10
Chimdi Igwe 6 0 6 -6 0 N 3
RON Re-Open Nominations 1 -1 0 0 0 N 2
Lost Votes 1 1 1 2

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Mathematics: External Vice

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 21
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Wasabi Yin 26 Y 1
Mateusz Staniszewski 14
RON Re-Open Nominations 2
Lost Votes

Return to Index

Mathematics: Webmaster

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 14.5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Hitesh Kumar 23 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 6
Lost Votes

Return to Index

Mathematics Year Four Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 2
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Jeremy Wu 2
Asad Chaudhary 2 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 2 Y 1
Lost Votes

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Mathematics Year Two Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 17.34
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Elected? In Stage
Michael McGill 18 +3 21 Y 2
Harrison Zhu 16 +1 17 Y 2
Lijin Ji 14 0 14
Ming-Hei Wong 8 -8 0 N 2
RON Re-Open Nominations 0 0 0 N 2
Lost Votes 4 4

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Mechanical Engineering Year Two Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 29.67
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Elected? In Stage
Areg Nzsdejan 38 -8.33 29.67 0 29.67 0 29.67 0 29.67 0 29.67 Y 1
Harry Mitchell 15 4.16 19.16 +2 21.16 0.26 21.42 3.26 24.68 +6 30.68 Y 6
Mingjie Yu 12 0.78 12.78 0 12.78 0 12.78 0.26 13.04 -12 1.04 N 6
Petr Kaftan 9 1.04 10.04 +1 11.04 2.52 13.56 +3 16.56 +1 17.56
Miaochen Lai 6 0.78 6.78 +1 7.78 +2 9.78 -9.78 0 0 0 N 5
Sarah Towers 5 0.78 5.78 0.26 6.04 -6.04 0 0 0 0 0 N 4
Fiona Boyce 4 0.52 4.52 -4.52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 3
RON Re-Open Nominations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 3
Lost Votes 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.53 1.26 1.79 3.26 5.05 5 10.05

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Medicine Biomedical Science - Year Three Representative

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 6
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Theodora Constantin 11 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 1
Lost Votes

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Medicine MPH Master of Public Health Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 9.67
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Elected? In Stage
Yihui Liang 17 -7.33 9.67 0 9.67 Y 1
Manal Deria 6 3.12 9.12 +1 10.12 Y 3
Hanaya Raad 5 3.64 8.64 0 8.64
RON Re-Open Nominations 1 0.52 1.52 -1 0.52 N 3
Lost Votes 0.05 0.05 0.05

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Medicine Year Three Representative

  • Needs 5 candidates
  • Quota: 3.34
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Elected? In Stage
Adam Tsao 8 -4.66 3.34 Y 1
Haeun Ji 7 0 7 Y 1
Kapil Agarwal 3 3.96 6.96 Y 2
Benjamin Redshaw 2 0 2 Y 2
RON Re-Open Nominations 0 0.66 0.66 Y 2
Lost Votes 0.04 0.04

Return to Index

Physics: Events Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 48.5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Patricia Rodriguez-Berzosa 86 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 11
Lost Votes

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Physics: Tours Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 47.5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Thomas French 84 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 11
Lost Votes

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Physics Year Four Representative

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 10.5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Elected? In Stage
Monish Vassantrai 10 +1 11 Y 2
Thomas Andradi-Brown 8 +2 10
Alina Khmelevskaya 4 -4 0 N 2
RON Re-Open Nominations 0 0 0 N 2
Lost Votes 1 1

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Physics Year Three Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 17
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Elected? In Stage
Andreas Georgakis 21 -4 17 0 17 Y 1
Alexandre Bonnet 13 0.56 13.56 3.28 16.84 Y 3
Valle Varo Garcia 13 2.80 15.80 +1 16.80
Pietro Salvi 2 0.28 2.28 -2.28 0 N 3
RON Re-Open Nominations 2 0.28 2.28 -2.28 0 N 3
Lost Votes 0.08 0.08 0.28 0.36

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Physics Year Two Representative

  • Needs 2 candidates
  • Quota: 37
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Elected? In Stage
Jennifer Scott 42 -5 37 0 37 0 37 Y 1
Kenza Tazi 33 1.80 34.80 0 34.80 +4 38.80 Y 4
Thomas Woolley 16 2.64 18.64 +1 19.64 +3 22.64
Nicholas Lee 16 0.36 16.36 +1 17.36 -17 0.36 N 4
Henry Zheng 2 0 2 -2 0 0 0 N 3
RON Re-Open Nominations 2 0 2 -2 0 0 0 N 3
Lost Votes 0.20 0.20 2 2.20 10 12.20

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RAG Collect Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 122
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Ruohao Li 213 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 31
Lost Votes

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RAG Events Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 112.5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Elected? In Stage
Rana Khan 112 +1 113 +11 124 Y 3
Doris Llumigusin 80 +3 83 +18 101
Hyun Park 75 +2 77 -77 0 N 3
RON Re-Open Nominations 21 -21 0 0 0 N 2
Lost Votes 15 15 48 63

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RAG Halls Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 120.5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Rana Khan 153 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 88
Lost Votes

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RAG Sponsorship Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 120
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Sarah Patterson 214 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 26
Lost Votes

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RAG Vice Chair (Operations)

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 128
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Ze Tan 180 Y 1
Joy Ojukwu 39
RON Re-Open Nominations 37
Lost Votes

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RAG Vice Treasurer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 131
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
RON Re-Open Nominations 141 Y 1
Prafulla Timila 121
Lost Votes

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RAG Web Editor

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 115.5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Daniel Budiono 180 Y 1
Athanasios Liaskas 29
RON Re-Open Nominations 22
Lost Votes

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RCSU: Treasurer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 90
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Griffin Farrow 158 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 14
Prafulla Timila 8
Lost Votes

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RCSU: Vice President (Operations)

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 97.5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Sina Lari 147 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 48
Lost Votes

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Rugby - Womens: Fitness Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 3.5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Elizabeth Wong 7 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 0
Lost Votes

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TedX: Designs and Merchandise Officer

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Guang Yang 10 Y 1
RON Re-Open Nominations 0
Lost Votes

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TedX: Secretary

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 6
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Chan Kit Wong 6 Y 1
Jocelyn Lim 6
RON Re-Open Nominations 0
Lost Votes

Return to Index

TedX: Speaker Coordinator

  • Needs 1 candidate
  • Quota: 6.5
Candidate Name: Round 1 Elected? In Stage
Maryna Omelchenko 11 Y 1
Nicholas Lee 2
Jeremy Ilkanaev 0
RON Re-Open Nominations 0
Lost Votes

Return to Index

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Covid-19: Union service update

Following the government's announcement on Saturday, like many ...

Beit Quadrangle
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BB
Registered Charity No: 1151241
Tel: 020 7594 8060
Fax: 020 7594 8065
Twitter: @icunion
VAT Reg No. GB 240 5617 84