Are you a student parent or carer?

Over 16,000 people study at Imperial, coming from all walks of life and from all kinds of families.

The typical image of a student in the media is of a young person, aged 18-21, having just left the family home for the first time.  But the reality is quite different.

Almost 2,000 of our members are aged 26-29, and another 2,000 are aged 30 or more.   Many of our students - of any age - will be parents of young children, or carers for family members. They will balance this responsibility with full-time study and possibly also employment.

We want to know more about the experiences of student parents and carers at Imperial.  There's a few simple questions at the bottom of this page - we would appreciate any feedback you could provide.

There is support available for student parents and carers. For example, full and part-time students who have dependents may be eligible for extra Government funding , of up to £1,523 a year. There is also an excellent nursery on the South Kensington campus - the Early Years Education Centre - but the waiting list is long, and thousands of students are not based at the South Kensington campus.

We are investigating whether Imperial College Union can offer more support to its members who are parents or carers. For example, we could consider:

  • Dedicated family-friendly social events
  • Online support groups
  • Clearer advice on national and local policies
  • Or simply a way for student parents and carers to talk to each other.

What do you think?

If you know a student parent or carer, please pass this article along to them!


Student Parents - Questions


Are you a student parent or carer? Do you know anyone who is? We want to hear about the experiences of students who care for loved ones alongside their studies.

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